Tuesday, November 3, 2009

【東方】Bad Apple!! PV【影絵】

This is a PV (promotional video) for the song Bad Apple!! by Alstroemeria Records.

A friend showed me this video earlier today... Well, yesterday at this point, and I really loved it. The song is pretty good, and the video animation is top notch. It's very stylish, scenes flow together very well, and actions sync with the music, too. Even the lyrics match what happens in the video! Makes me wonder how the song and video were developed; was the video made to match the music, or vice versa? Or maybe they were created concurrently to match each other. Regardless, the final product is very impressive. すばらしいです。

EDIT: date = 11/3/2009 time = 4:30AM
So as it turns out, I did a little research and the song Bad Apple!! is an arrangement of Reimu's (the main character in the Touhou Series) background music in the fourth installment of the series, Lotus Land Story. Bad Apple!! is a song on the album Lovelight, released by Alstroemeria in May of 2007 at 例大祭4, Reitaisai 4 (Reitaisai is a Touhou convention in Japan). Since then, the song has become quite popular and various fan PV's have been made for it, such as this one. But then, on October 27, 2009, nico nico douga (a Japanese video sharing website similar to Youtube) user Anira uploaded his(?) PV. It was so impressive that Alstroemeria even posted it on their website.

Here's a subtitled version of the video:

The video is depicted in Shadow Art, everything is a shown as a silhouette. The video stars characters from the popular Japanese PC game series, Touhou Project. Touhou has had many releases since it first started, like Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil and Imperishable night, and each game adds more characters to the series. After 12 released games the series has a multitude of characters, many of which are shown in the video. Touhou is a shoot 'em up game of a certain type: 弾幕 (danmaku), which translates to bullet curtain. It is aptly named since at most times the screen is filled with bullets that will one shot kill you. Here is an example of how outrageously difficult it can be:


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